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Carrot Salad {Surówka z Marchwi}

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Carrot Salad

{Surówka z Marchwi}

Winter is almost over and I feel like I’m running on fumes. I can’t wait for some sun filled days, sitting in the back yard with a grill going, and a cold drink in my hand. We had a few warmer days here in Philadelphia and as soon as it warms up outside, by kitchen cools off. Goodbye hot stews and soups, hello light salads, greens, fresh veggies, pickles and fruit pierogi.

Carrot is one of those veggies that was always in our garden. Next to parsnips, onions and leeks, tons of dill grandma had rows and rows of it in her garden. She was very serious about her garden and spent hours pruning, digging, snipping, watering and loving her garden. It sure showed. There wasn’t a weed in sight, everything bloomed and thrived with, what looked like a minimal effort. Sadly, I did not inherit her green thumbs, and have a hard time keeping a herb garden alive. This year though, I’m going to try really hard. I heard that my biggest downfall is watering… go figure. 🙂

Unlike other vegetables like cauliflower, green beans or zucchini that were only around “in season”, carrot was available all winter long. This may have contributed to it making its appearance in most Polish soups, like chicken soup {rosół} or tomato soup {pomidorowa}, fish stew {zupa rybna} or beef stew {zupa gulaszowa} and can be made into a nice summer salad as an addition to pork ribs {żeberka} or any other meat-and-potatoe type dinner. Best part about it, well a couple of parts, its healthy, you always have the ingredients at home AND it’s probably the quickest salad there is. carrot salad. 

Here is how I make a delicious carrot salad:

Carrot Salad {Surówka z Marchwi}

  • Yields: 4-5 servings
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes


  • 4-5 medium carrots
  • 1 sweet apple
  • Juice of ½ a lemon
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Peel carrots and apple and grate on the largest side of a box grater. Mix to combine.

  2. Add lemon juice, sugar and salt.

  3. Mix and cool in the fridge before serving.

Serve with dinner or as a side dish.



ps. this is often served as one of the salads ordered as a “salad mix” in any Polish restaurant. It can be accompanied by a leek salad, beet salad, cucumber salad and/or a diakon salad. Try one or all!

Carrot salad. 

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